past student experience
Aäron Nicolaas Prins, Netherlands | 2022
"Truly one of the best experiences in my life is going on an exchange to Malaysia. With no expectations, I went on a completely new chapter in my life.
Since day one I’ve been welcomed by country buddy Fina, and been shown around the city by numerous other buddies who I can’t thank enough for. I was introduced to delicious Malay/Chinese/Indian food, met amazing people and the beautiful nature was the cherry on the cake.
I think I can speak for everyone that the buddies helped the exchange students A LOT. Not only did they help us get familiar with Penang. Several great events were organised to bridge the gap between internationals and locals.
Therefore, I will forever remember the faces that were responsible for all the joy at IMCC and helped me and other students along the way. Thank you for everything."

Hinata Ambiru, Japan | 2022
"Choosing Malaysia for studying abroad is the right decision and I am lucky to go to USM.
At USM, there are many international students from each country so I could meet many people who has different backgrounds. I learned tons of things from them.
Buddies welcomed us with wonderful dance in the begging! And exchange students had many opportunities to know each other through the orientation week.
Coffee hour day was the special event because we could know and enjoy other cultures, and then we could connect with local students and local people, full time students as well:)
Malaysia is the best option for experience and learning different cultures because this country has diversity and people open their minds to welcome and accept other cultures.
I am so happy that I had a valuable experience here. I really appreciate everyone’s support. Thank you so much!
Terima kasih!"

Hiromichi Takagi, Japan | 2022
"Since I came to study in USM, I have had many experiences that I can’t do in my country.
The best experience is that I got along with other exchange students from many countries and Buddies. We often hung out together, and I learned about culture and way of thinking from them. Especially, Buddies often took good care of exchange students. I really appreciate them, because they planned many events to entertain us and take us to some good places. I’m really glad to be friends with them.
During the exchange program, there was “Coffee Hour Day” and “Coffee Hour Class” where we introduced our cultures to each other. It was the most impressive activity for me. At that time, I introduced Japanese stuff to local students as an instructor. I’m not sure whether I could teach well, but I made many friends through this activity."

Jeong Seunggyu, South Korea | 2022
"First of all, I am so happy to come to Malaysia as an exchange student. Actually, I didn't expect much before I got here. However, I was able to spend a very happy time meeting many good people after arriving. All the experiences of eating, going to a cafe, and traveling with friends I met here were special and precious to me, especially, the bright personality of Malaysian people and delicious food are impressive."

Melina Jager, Germany | 2022
"My exchange semester in summer 2022 was everything I have ever hoped for in a semester abroad. I met amazing people, tried a lot of new things, got to know so many new cultures, experienced university in Malaysia, and saw some beautiful countries while traveling. The IMCC Buddies made us feel so welcome in Penang and guided us from the beginning till the end. We never felt alone, even though we were so far away from our family and friends because after just a short time we were able to make a lot of new friends from various countries. It was so easy to get to know the other exchange students since there was always an upcoming event organized by the buddies which brought us all back together. Our time at USM started with a welcoming orientation week and ended with the glorious graduation night where we celebrated our time together. I am so thankful for the experiences I was able to have and will cherish the memories I made forever."

Ilja Berger, Germany | 2022
"My semester in Malaysia was an extraordinary experience with many great impressions. There is so much I could tell you about that I can't spend a day on, so I'll sum it up in a few important words. I will never forget the hospitality and warmth of the people. Malaysia has a lot to offer, from the beautiful nature to the very special and varied but delicious food. The joy of the people in everything they do infected me with good vibes every day. It is impressive what the Buddies do for the exchange students and how they take care of them. I am very grateful for that. All in all, it was a very diverse, extraordinary and exciting semester abroad at USM, where I was able to get to know many different cultures, collect many wonderful moments and enjoy a productive continuation of my studies. Hopefully I will get the chance to visit this great country and these great people a second time in the future."

Sekar Rizky Pradhani, Indonesia | 2022
"For me, it’s been an amazing journey doing the exchange programme in USM. Every second I spent there was very memorable.
Throughout the journey, I made a lot of friends with a lot of people from another side of the globe. It was a mind opener experience that could make me think even wider from now on. We were also making a lot of memories that I will remember forever.
The IMCC also always provided us with amazing events so that we can proudly introduce our country to others while also getting to know the other country itself. The space that USM gave for us to express our culture was so big that we were very excited to show it to everyone. We also got the opportunity to even teach others deeper about our own culture.
The buddies were the highlight of our days in USM. They were our first friends in USM!🤗 They helped us a lot, and also they brought us so much joy by always inviting us to interesting places around Penang. It was very nice that we had Buddies to guide us every step along the journey. We definitely love the buddies so much!❤️
As a recap, nothing in this journey was meaningless or forgettable. All of the moments are kept safely in our minds. If there is any chance that I could go back and relive it, I will definitely do it! Thank you, USM. 🤗❤️"

Yuriza Rizky Alifian, Indonesia | 2022
"First of all, I'm very grateful to have experienced this in my life. At first, I didn't think I would ever have an exchange student experience. Likewise, when Covid-19 hit, this program had to be postponed. I also never expected to have friends from various countries, because I was at first unaware that there were also international students in the program at USM. And also, my local friends that I and my friends met from playing basketball, are nice!
I went as an exchange student to Malaysia, which, although a neighboring country, actually got a lot of lessons and experiences. From there I realized that to gain valuable experience it is not a matter of distance, but how we can maximize opportunities.
Studying abroad turns out to be very different from just a vacation. My insight has become very open, and more aware of existing phenomena, especially contemporary international issues. And from this trip, I have a new destination for my next journey.
Lastly, of course, a big thanks to IMCC and also the Buddies. I'm quite confused about explaining their kindness one by one, but it is clear that the hospitality from IMCC and Buddies is very good. I don't know how it's gonna be for exchange students if Buddies don't exist. Besides taking care of us, they are also very, very good friends.
For anyone reading this, don't stop chasing your dreams, don't stop being a good person, and I hope that God always smoothes all your matters."

Enzo Emmanuel Patrick Visca, France | 2022
"Saya sayang Malaysia… tapi tak Durian.
Being part of an exchange program in USM is a gift!
Having the opportunity to discover Malaysia is something precious, I mean in Europe we don’t hear about this country that much. We can have some idea, pointing out the country somewhere between Indonesia and South Korea on a map… But we don’t know about its people, its culture, its diversity, its food or about anything in general. It's a gift because for those who are looking for changing their habits, changing their environment, for those who are seeking to learn about peoples and the diversity of cultures in one country you'll have it all. I learned so much along the program, that now I don’t want to leave. You must take the opportunity to travel. The Malaysians are friendly, welcoming, funny and love dancing so much (especially the Buddies). If I have to recommend it, solely a big “JUST DO IT” will come out of my mouth.
Keywords : Boleh-lah, can-lah, Makan, Durian tak suka (tricky but very useful), Nasi Kandar, Nasi Goreng.
> Now you are ready to pack your stuff and go to Malaysia. The lecturers, the Buddies, the facilities, the university in general will give you a nicer stay.
Thank you for this beautiful opportunity, thank you all for the knowledge and sharing. Some lessons here that I have to bring back at home.
TERIMA KASIH USM, Jumpa lagi."

Belen Ferron Hurtado, Spain | 2022
"Before coming to Malaysia I was nervous and excited at the same time. Excited to embark on this new thrilling adventure of studying abroad and nervous because the COVID-19 pandemic was still going on strong. I had to submit so many papers for my visa, quarantine for a week in a hotel in Kuala Lumpur and it was quite tough! However, when I finally arrived in Penang, all the anxiousness became happiness! I met amazing people, tried exotic (and spicy!) food and got to know USM and the Buddies. It's been an unforgettable experience which I would do all over again if I had the chance! Through this exchange I have been able to broaden my perspective and knowledge, thanks to learning about all the different cultures, religions and ethnicities that coexist in Malaysia! Thank you USM, IMCC, the buddies and my fellow exchange students for this awesome exchange and I hope the next batch of students enjoy their stay as much as I enjoyed mine :) Terima kasih Malaysia <3 Hope to come again soon!"