06 - 10 MAY 2024
The 11th International Staff Week of Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena was from 6 to 10 May, 2024 at Cartagena, Spain. Almost 70 participants from 16 countries took part. The program hosted a range of activities aiming to increase the understanding of mobility, open and deepen relationships, and give an introduction to Spain. Below were the various activities held throughout the week:
- Institutional welcome by Professor Rafael Toledo, Vice-Rector for Internationalisation

- Spanish culture introduction by Ms Juana Mari Belchí, Spanish as a Foreign Language Teacher

- Workshop: Erasmus+BIP-A new mobility option

- Cultural activity : Boat trip

- Guided tour around Murcia city centre

- Interactive work session: Day of Europe by Ms Mª Amor Martínez - Eurodesk Multiplier - Youth Department (City Council) and guided tour around Cabo de Palos (one of the most important nature reserves in the Mediterranean)

- Many connections were made during the week especially with Poland, Lithuania, Cypress, Italy, and Albania. Follow-up work ensues.